Display Widgets

“Finxone’s allows you to personalise your application by adding page elements such as text, headers, images, line dividers and even image carousel. “

Display Widgets

Finxone’s allows you to personalise your application by adding page elements such as text, headers, images, line dividers and even image carousel. Drag and drop these widgets on and amongst regulated widgets such as a virtual card, or transaction history on a users account you can add images, text and other page decor

Add Text blocks

Add a simple header to your page or a paragraph giving your users insights and tips for how to use your app. write an about us page with profiles and 

Add an Image

Customise your pages with images, add custom branding, diagrams, maps or other information in image format

Image Carousel

Do you need to show more than one image? Set up a gallery of images that will be scrollable or will automatically slide on a timer.

Horizontal Rule

It is often useful to divide up a screen to make it more visually appealing or easier to follow

Drag and Drop

If you can build a digital presentation you can build an application screen with simple drag and drop. Then edit the design to suit your style and taste.

Edit element colour

Make sure the page you are building looks stunning with our inbuilt colour picking tool. Easily extend your company branding into your app.