Solutions from Finxone

Finxone is organised around specific customer and industry solutions. As we built technologies, we take the time to ensure we are relevant to specific customer segments. 

We are Nocode

We are an inteligent Fintech company, that builds generative coded smart apps automatically. We are not a dev shop, we don’t want to tie you into us long term. Our ethos is to build the tools that customers use to build their own code. Microsoft doesn’t want to build your presentation for you, and we don’t want to build your app. We will give you an amazing tool to do it yourself, and empower you every step of the way.

No Big Teams

We integrate automatically to financial services providers, APIs and aggregators so you don’t have to, removing the need for developers, and expensive teams

No Large Costs

We give you beautiful front ends, you drag and drop to make powerful apps backed by real providers.

Do it Yourself

Our widgets can see each other, and you can use their data in your self built application flow. You don’t need developers to code complex integrations, its already done for you.

We Give You


Finxone spins up an infrastructure for you automatically, and does all of the cyber-security, API security, and setup automatically. You don’t need any hosting or other charges. Its all included in your sandbox, or live fees


You can use our templates, and editors to change, customise, and design your application. There is no need to use separate tools to build your Fintech apps, its all included.

Launch Manager

We help you manage all of the regulation to go live. Provider requirements, regulation, card designs (if needed), and corporate KYC, KYB, and regtulat

App Builder

We automatically build your own IOS and Android Apps, as well as to your own URL or Iframes. You can use a generic application or customise it to your look and branding on stores.


Finxone spins up an infrastructure for you automatically, and does all of the cyber-security, API security, and setup automatically. You don’t need any hosting or other charges. Its all included in your sandbox, or live fees


You can use our templates, and editors to change, customise, and design your application. There is no need to use separate tools to build your Fintech apps, its all included.

Launch Manager

We help you manage all of the regulation to go live. Provider requirements, regulation, card designs (if needed), and corporate KYC, KYB, and regtulat

App Builder

We automatically build your own IOS and Android Apps, as well as to your own URL or Iframes. You can use a generic application or customise it to your look and branding on stores.

Explore Solutions

Use Finxone to deploy your own technology platform or app. We take care of all the details.

Industry Players

Connect your APIs through Finxone to a new generation of customer, partners and Fintech