Finxone offers multiple virtual and physical card solutions

Banking & Payments
Full account and wallet apps
IBANs, in UK and Europe
Your branding and templates in app

Physical & Virtual Cards
Launch branded cards for your market
Onboarding, App, and back-office
UK and Single European Payments Area

Backed by Banks and BaaS
We only provide programs issued by trusted, licensed and regulated providers. We spend a lot of time focusing on getting our widgets and integrations done right.
Sandbox transactions are on their sandboxes, and live transactions are on live rails. So you can test your applications and release with confidence

Integrated to EFT rails and IBANS
More than just a simple card program, we provide widgets that integrate with classic payments rails as well.
Though this does depend somewhat on the backing sponsor bank, as sometimes they have IBAN restrictions, we usually integrate only to full service providers

Enriched by API Providers
You used to have to integrate everything yourself. With Finxone and our API aggregation partners we provide widgets, workflow and onboarding that are context aware and know what third party APIs can or should be called at this phase of your application.
This gives you a choice on using amazing Fintech innovation and keeping compliant on mandatory calls like KYC and AML

Plus Unique Features
Workflow and approvals
Your data from your systems
Accounts for occassions, assets, and deals

Regulated APIs
We enforce mandatory functions automatically in every template. Partners like KYC, email/SMS and address verification, and transaction monitoring and fraud control are enforced where the compliance rules call for it.
Easy to use drag-drop widget Automatic compliance in processes let you get it right the first time

Backoffice Widgets
We can iframe into your existing backoffice systems, or you can use our backoffice widgets to build role based processes, screens and monitoring and let your user do almost all self management.

Drag Drop Management
Build role specific experiences, onboarding and workflows. All with easy to understand widgets and templates
Deploy features to iOS, Android and browser applications with release management built in.