Finxone Features

We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about Fintech so you don’t have to. Explore what we do for you

No teams, no developers. The app-intelligence engine builds all your apps, portals, platforms, and launches them for you.


Finxone understands the unique needs of its customers and provides a range of workflow tools to help them create the most effective and efficient applications possible.

Payments and Banking

The flexibility of Finxone's payment system ensures that businesses can build applications that meet their unique requirements.

Finxone offers a simple and transparent fee structure with low startup costs and one single billing and technology relationship.

For Startups

Finxone lets you take your startup idea, and make it real faster than you could hire your first resource

Regulated Providers

Finxone simplifies the process of connecting businesses to their chosen Banking-as-a-Service provider with compliance features and a focus on Nocode, Drag and Drop, and Low Risk Solutions.

Connect Your Data

Finxone Data Widgets allow customers to connect their own API and use their data to enhance their applications.

The App Autobuilder

Building an app used to take a team. Designers, front-end, backend, integrations. Etc. Simplicity is here. The App Autobuilder.

Bank Accounts

Finxone offers a powerful solution for creating custom financial applications that function as different types of bank accounts.

Card Design

Finxone's customers can create their own branded Visa cards by signing up for a card program, customising their design and letting Finxone take care of the rest.